So, after solving my internet troubles I am ready to post.

It was an awesome weekend! The temperature was close to summer (good for my cold), the wilderness was astonishing and the people were the best. Did I mention that Bekka was with on the trip? It was really nice.
What I just forgot to mention might be the fall colours, also referred to as Indian Summer, but you will see the picture – so why talk about.
I could not really decide which pics are the best, so I just choose them randomly. They look quite good anyway.
I think we made about 60km in the canoes on the four days which is really good for an October weekend. Ok, considering the mild climate I will not boast about it…
Before you think I am here “only for fun” the short notice that I get up at 6:30am most days and I am studying hard during the week. Next Exam: Saturday!
1 Kommentar:
Wow, I love that kind of wilderness and would also like to be there! Maybe next year...
Have a good time,
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